Wednesday, August 29, 2007
A well-stated quote of a quote from my reading today from the book Our Awesome God, by James MacArthur, on a section about God's omnipresence.

"Now, lest you're beginning to suspect that the omnipresence of God is of interest or relevance only to theologians of previous centuries, there's at least one public official who would disagree with you. Writing in the opinion section of the Los Angeles Times on a topic of great interest to Christians in the 1990s, he concluded:

'Americans may reasonably differ on whether state-crafted prayer should be authorized in public schools, but it is an insecure, if not manipulative, view of the Christian faith to imply that an agency of the state can block the presence of God. God is not excludable from any place. A U.S. Supreme Court cannot keep an omnipresent God out of our schools any more than Congress is needed to put Him back in.'
-James A. Leach, Personal Perspective, September 6, 1992' "
so yodeled Marg @ 7:32 PM