Tuesday, June 21, 2005
It's Magic...
...my red car is turning green. Achooo!
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
so yodeled Marg @ 9:35 AM

Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Medical report: Agonizing pain, continual vomiting, and a kidney stone torturing me on its way down my ureter. 2 trips to the emergency room, 1st 9 hours Sat. - Sun, 2nd 6 hours Mon., for hydration and morphine. Saw the urologist today and he says it's not over
'til it's over. So consider me on hold for now. Felt better today but am going to hit the sack in a few minutes. Pretty wiped out. Need to prepare for the next attack. ;-(
so yodeled Marg @ 1:57 PM

Wednesday, June 01, 2005
I've been so wrapped up in my relatively new Flickr account that I haven't posted recently. But, whoopdeedoo, I've had my photos of Chelmsford's 350th Birthday Party on May 28th linked on the official 350th photo page.

Watch out world, the foto fiend is on the loose.
so yodeled Marg @ 10:38 AM