Wednesday, January 11, 2006
...and that's not a metaphor. Two days ago Ray dropped a huge bowl of baked beans while taking it out of the microwave. Hot bowl pieces and baked beans strewed the kitchen floor. In my efficient way (and his inefficient way of cleaning up) I took over the cleanup and Ray retreated to the bedroom to watch TV. Later when I asked if he wanted to finish the 2nd half of the can of beans he said, "No, make me a bowl of soup, instead. I've lost my appetite for beans." Indeed!
So, while trying to think of a suitable punishment, like never letting him into the kitchen again, a few minutes ago he's about to put a "Kung Foo" (Ramen) soup into the microwave and dumps it all over the kitchen floor. SIGH!!
I've always known he's dangerous in the kitchen!
so yodeled Marg @ 7:58 PM